Xiaomi Mi Band 2 / 1s Review..

8:55 PM Unknown 0 Comments

Hi, today I am going to share with you  my new miband 1s and do a simple comparison.

Why ? As of today Miband offer you monitor your sleep pattern and your fitness level.

So.. What is next, of course monitor your hear beat. Why this is important to monitor your heart beat during workout..  In overall people like to call it "traning zone" there are many type for me the best is to know your self first..

How this is done?  Fisrt the calculation is  220 - Age = BPM (beats per minute)

e.g. 220-31 = 189

Then, from the chart below you can categorize yourself of what exercise you want to do.

Sample of myself, I am going to do a fat burning.. So "bpm" should maintain at 114.  Simple right..

Next is set your Mi Fit route tracker at 114 to alert you if you go beyond this point.. 

There you go.. Lets start exercise!!

Sharing my collection of Miband and picture comparison..